The death of journalism illustrated ...

Stable. Interesting word choice because I should think this man wasn't particularly stable even before he met with a bullet. Then we go to the second sentence ... nice transition. And it took three of them to write this article (multi-authorial attribution being the norm these days) - I suppose it took all their collective brain power to de-sensationalize the headline by only blaming the major for the rampage.
It's a wonder people aren't trampling over one another to get their newspaper fix. It's one thing for the Idaho Statesman, a publication that would have to improve many fold to even be considered a merely dreadful paper, but there was a day when one could expect more from The Times (LA or NY).
Speaking of the Statesman, I caught Mi-Ai Parrish's (the publisher) talk at the City Club on News 91 the other day and ...Oh. My. Gawd. This individual makes a living in a field of words? Talk about failing upward but then again it may be upward in position though certainly not in papers as she has previously worked for the San Francisco Chronicle, The Chicago Sun-Times and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I don't have hopes for the Statesman reaching the pinnacle of merely dreadful any time during her tenure.
[screenshot of LA Times article]
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