Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Look what was hiding in 'drafts' - don't know why I didn't publish at the time ... maybe I was going to add something. Oh well...

The Lede of this NY Times article is News Analysis A Year Later, Voters Send A Different Message

Conventional wisdom proffered by some media hack (in this instance Adam Nagourney though insert name here would fit just as well) has for too long been conflated as analysis rather than mere opinion. Don't get me wrong, Obama and the Dems will no doubt take away the villagers garbled opinion on the Repug win in MA and do more of what they're already doing wrong but that doesn't make the conclusion(s) correct.

Was a different message sent or was it a signal that the original message about wanting change had fallen on deaf ears. I don't think most citizens do want bipartisanship - what they want is apartisanship -they want congress to act as though the most important thing they do is not get re-elected but act as public servants while they're in office and represent the citizens day in and day out.

I still can't fathom why anyone would have thought that Obama would have effected any change but we live with the electorate we have not the electorate we wish we would have.